Halogens Industry Sector News

FPP4EU continues to collaborate with Euro Chlor, other Sector Groups, and Cefic

The Fluorinated Products and PFAS for Europe (FPP4EU) Sector Group represents the views of producers, importers and users of fluorinated products and PFAS across Europe. FPP4EU liaises with as many downstream users’ sectors as possible through its Collaboration Platform.

With the Universal PFAS REACH restriction proposal on the table, FPP4EU has worked with many stakeholders to feed data into the process, aiming for a realistic and balanced piece of legislation. The group has also been instrumental in explaining the REACH restriction process to many other downstream sectors and organised workshops to bring key authorities and PFAS users together to discuss common challenges.

Via its website, FPP4EU shows some applications of PFAS as well as those where alternatives are currently unavailable. Whilst the Sector Group does not defend specific types of PFAS or uses, it aims to provide authorities and society with objective information on this complex file.

The Sector Group has also collaborated with Euro Chlor, EFCTC and Cefic on their respective submissions to the ECHA consultation on the restriction proposal. A common overarching topic is the use of PFAS in industrial equipment in chemical plants, which affects the whole Cefic membership and other industrial sectors. Here, the Cefic Board are also involved to ensure that thorough coordination is in place. See www.fpp4eu.eu for more details.

ECSA products facing some regulatory challenges

The European Chlorinated Solvents Association (ECSA) became an important stakeholder in the recent revision of the EU’s Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Regulation when chlorinated substances came into focus for ozone depletion. More specifically, the new version of the ODS regulation includes perchloroethylene and methylene chloride. These substances now require reporting for manufacturing, import and selected uses. No use bans are imposed but a reporting requirement remains.

Additionally, methylene chloride is now subject to the Harmonised Classification and Labelling (CLH) process. ECSA members, through the ChlorSolv REACH Consortium, responded to the 2023 public consultation with a scientific statement. This process is now with the ECHA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC), which is expected to adopt an opinion by February 2025. The final decision will then rest with the European Commission and the Competent Authorities for REACH and CLP (CARACAL) without further industry involvement. See www.chlorinated-solvents.eu for information about ECSA.

Other Halogens News

The Chloroformates Sector Group has recently finalised guidance on incident response, which is available here.

Eurofluor continues its intensive work on safety matters related to hydrogen fluoride, whilst the European Sulphuric Acid Association (ESA) is active in multiple areas, involving classification and uses of sulphuric acid. Both groups are heavily involved in the Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals BREF revision process.

Finally, the Chloro Alkanes, EFCTC, Potassium, and Sodium Chlorate Sector Groups have continued discussions on regulatory highlights.

For details on the activities of the different Sector Groups:

Chloro Alkanes Sector Group
Chloroformates Sector Group
European Chlorinated Solvents Association (ECSA)
European FluoroCarbons Technical Committee (EFCTC)
Eurofluor (CTEF, Comité Technique Européen du Fluor)
European Sulphuric Acid Association (ESA)
Fluorinated Products and PFAS for Europe (FPP4EU)
Potassium Sector Group
Sodium Chlorate Sector Group